
Specialized Forecast Report by David Cochrane
Produces a forecast of gold prices. The forecast is a short-term forecast. In the research that was conducted to develop the Gold Price Forecast, correlations between actual and predicted gold prices were analyzed over 3-month periods.
Includes gold, silver, and copper data. The gold data includes about 31 ½ years of daily gold price data.
Demonstrates that the research tools included with Sirius can produce impressive results. The Gold Price Forecast Report consists of an AstroSignature (combination of astrological influences) that forecasts gold prices. This AstroSignature serves as a good example of the kind of result that researcher in any area of astrology, and particularly predictive astrology, can achieve with the research tools in Sirius. Actually, two AstroSignatures are provided: a higher risk/higher yield forecast, and a lower risk/lower yield forecast.
Click here for a complete sample of the Gold Price Forecast Report
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