Debía gran parte de su popularidad a su labor para la firma francesa Chanel y a la italiana Fendi, a su actividad como fotógrafo y también a sus llamativas pasarelas, desfiles y apariciones públicas, en las que por lo general estaba rodeado de celebridades del espectáculo y supermodelos.
Pero ¿Cuáles son los aspectos astrológicos que hicieron que Lagerfeld le heredara toda su fortuna a su gatita Choupette?
He owed much of his popularity to his work for the French firm Chanel and the Italian Fendi, to his activity as a photographer and also to his striking catwalks, parades and public appearances, in which he was usually surrounded by celebrities of the show and supermodels.
But what are the astrological aspects that made Lagerfeld inherit his entire fortune to his kitten Choupette?